“Genial Gene”
A Bush Leaguer’s Baseball Story
“The Scrapbook”
Gene Camozzi kept a scrapbook. Well, he probably kept or was given clippings over the years. Then, at some point, these pieces of paper were glued into a book. This is not a chronology, more like a kaleidoscope view of his days as a baseball player. At some point I decided that I should try to find dates for the undated, fill in the blanks and build a cleared view of what it was like to be a Bush leaguer in the early part of the 20th century.
The Man I Never Knew
The only image of me and my Grandfather is a few seconds captured on an old 8mm home movie. I never had an opportunity to know him. He passed away when I was two years old. Nevertheless, I grew up hearing that he played baseball, and was a pitcher for the old semipro San Mateo Blues. Many would say, “he could have been a big leaguer”. Life is filled with “could have, would have, and should haves”. We will never know what his career would have been if he had reported to the Detroit Tigers in 1921. What is known is that he became a well-respected semipro pitcher in Northern California’s.
A San Francisco Sanlot Kid, the 1914 North Beach Federals
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![51757272388_182b88b473_o copy 1914 North Beach Federals](https://baseballblues.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/51757272388_182b88b473_o-copy.jpg)
Three Blues Players Who Were Born in San Mateo
Justin Fitzgerald
Tom Casey
Bill Lawrence