Running Total
I realize it is nearly impossible to ever have a complete record of Gene Camozzi’s career as a baseball player. His two years in the minor leagues are perhaps the easiest stats to locate. Given the nature of semi-pro baseball, I’ll be lucky to put together a comprehensive Win-Loss record.

My current total is 321 wins and 125 losses

Updated: 12/29/2023

YR       Team                League     W    L
1912     Holzkamp Social Club
1914     NB Federals         Semipro    14   2
1915     NB Outlaws          Semipro    0    1
         Crystal Club        Semipro    4    -
         Hynes Tigers        Semipro    2    0
         Roy A. Lee          Semipro    2    1 
1916     National Union SF   Semipro    4    1
         Redwood City        Semipro    4    3
         Ellery Arms         Semipro    1    0
         Hynes Tigers        Semipro    1    0
1917     Hynes Tigers SF     Semipro    5    0
         Spokane Indians     NWL-Spring 0    1        
         Redwood City        Semipro    9    3
         Floral City A's(SM) Semipro    1    0
         St. Dominics        Semipro    1    0
         I.X.L               Semipro    1    2
         Granat Bros.        Semipro    0    0
1918     Granat Bros.        Semipro    0    2
         Presido Parlor NSGW Semipro    0    1
         Mayrose Butter      Semipro    0    1
         San Jose A's        Semipro    0    1
         Aberdeen            PCIL*      10   7
         US Merchant Marines Semipro    3    0
1919     N.B.Federals        Semipro    2    0
         St. Dominics        Semipro    4    3
         Redwood City        Semipro    4    0
         Petaluma            Semipro    6    3
         Keneally Seals      Semipro    4    4
1920     Granat Bros.        Semipro    5     2
         Santa Rosa          Semipro    0     1
         Petaluma            Semipro    10    2
         Terre Haute         3-I*       11   14
1921     Kenealy Seals       Semipro    1    0
         Hollister           Semipro    3    2*
         Fort Bragg          Semipro    1    0
         San Jose            Semipro    1    0
         Gilroy              Semipro    1    0
         Manteca             Semipro    0    1
         Napa                Semipro    1    0
         Dinuba (SJVL)       Semipro    0    0*
         Granat Bros         21-22SFWL  9    3*
*1L for Hollister Unconfirmed
 Only appearance as a pintch-hitter Dinuba
 3w/2L more for Granats unconfirmed
1922     Drury Hatters 21-22WL Champs   2    0
         Kenealy Seals Semipro          2    1
         Fresno (SJVL)       Semipro    0    0*
         Concord             Semipro    5    2
         Granat Bros.        22-23SFWL  10   4
         San Mateo            Semipro   1    1
*One start and one appearance in relief no w/l
1923     SF Olympic Club     Semipro    0    2*
         San Mateo           Semipro    11   3
         Bandon, OR          Semipro    6    3
         Granat Bros.        23-24SFWL  6    1
*both games for Olympics vs SF Seals
1924     Olympic Club        Semipro    0    1
         Redwood City Police Semipro    0    1
         San Mateo Blues     Semipro    21   8
         Zenith Mills        24-25EBWL  0    2 
1925     San Mateo Blues     Semipro    19   7
         Willows             Semipro    1    0
         OConnel All-Stars   Semipro    1    0
         San Leandro(25-26WL)Semipro    11   2
1926     San Mateo Blues     Semipro    21   3
         Austin, NV (July 4)            ?    ?
         Zingg's Cigars      Semipro    6    1
1927     San Mateo Blues     Semipro    28   3
         Zingg's Cigar(Oak)  27-28 WL   4    2
1928     San Mateo Blues     CSL        11   4
           Championship Series           1   1
           Pre/Post Season  Indepenent   6   0   
1929     San Mateo Blues    CSL         12   2
           Pre-Season                    0   2
           Non-League                    1   0
           Nor. Cal. Championship        1   1
1930     San Mateo Blues     CSL        8    4
                             Non-League 1    2
1931     San Mateo Blues     CSL        5    3
            Pre-Season                  1    2
            Non-League                  1    0
         Orange Crush                   1    1
1932     Manager
         San Mateo Blues     CSL        3    5
                             Pre-Season 3    0
                             Non-League 2    0                                     
1933     San Mateo Blues     CSL        5    0
         S.M. Blues          Non-League 2    0
1934     San Mateo Blues                2    1
         Langendorf Royals              4    3    
1937          Manager
1938          Manager
1939     San Mateo Blues     Ind.       2    0
1940         Manager
1941         Manager
1942         Manager
1943        Manager
Minor League*                           21   21
Semi Pro                                332  118
Current Totals                          353  139
Updated: 12/29/2023
1914: Incomplete. Several missing weeks and some records from the scrapbook have not been dated,
1922: Olympic Club both losses vs SF Seals
1923: Missing record for Bandon, OR 08-06-1923